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Reiseziel Kroatien: Die glorreichen Sieben

April 6, 2023

Die glorreichen Sieben


The Adriatic coast is full of beautiful and diverse locations and it would be impossible to list them all. Whether you are going for a luxury yacht wedding destination, chill-out vacation, romantic getaway, or an active holiday these seven locations have it all. Some of our favorite places to visit are in the southern region called Dalmatia. Explore the destination Croatia and sail southwards starting in Zadar to experience Dalmatian hospitality.

Dalmatien bietet großartige gastronomische Köstlichkeiten auf Basis nachhaltiger Lebensmittel. Neben der Wahl des Reiseziels Kroatien erwarten Sie unendlich schöne und versteckte Strände zum Schwimmen, ein reiches historisches Erbe, romantische Sonnenuntergänge, atemberaubende antike Architektur und ein kristallklares Meer.

1. Zadar – Die Stadt mit dem schönsten Sonnenuntergang


Zadar bietet alles. Das Meer, die Nähe der Berge und Nationalparks wie Krka, die reiche Geschichte sowie trendige und erstklassige Restaurants machen Ihren Besuch in Zadar unvergesslich.

You have endless choices in Zadar like sailing the archipelago islands called Kornati. You can spend the day on the sea and explore the stunning Kornati bays. Or you can stay in the old town of Zadar and enjoy a home-cooked seafood meal. One of our favorite things to do is listen to the famous Sea Organ at sunset. The sea organ is an artistic installation that covers 70 Meters and every time the waves crash on the steps, music is played.

2. Split – Die Stadt mit einem antiken römischen Herzen


Die Stadt Split ist auf Schritt und Tritt voller kultureller und architektonischer Geschichte. Die Überreste des römischen Palastes befinden sich im Stadtzentrum neben dem Glockenturm der Kathedrale St. Duje. Diese Kathedrale ist eines der bekanntesten Wahrzeichen der Stadt.

There are a couple of marinas in the city where you can take a luxury yacht and explore the island archipelago around Split. City park Sustipan, and park forest Marjan are the places to take long relaxing walks and enjoy the tranquility of nature near the center of the town. Be sure to go up to Vidilica and admire the beautiful panoramic view of Split.

3. Insel Brač – Die Insel mit dem höchsten Berg an der Adria


Vidova Gora, the highest peak of the island offers the most amazing view of the island’s most famous beach, Zlatni Rat in the town of Bol. But don’t be fooled, Brač is beautiful and is so much more than just Bol and Zlatni rat. While you are sailing along the south side of the island you’ll be able to explore many stunning beaches and bays. Also, be sure to sail to other towns as well and try all the traditional delicacies like lamb or octopus peka.

4. Insel Hvar – Die sonnigste


Out of all the destinations in Croatia, Hvar has the most sunshine hours during the year and is one of the most popular islands. Hvar Town is famous for luxury yacht parties and sunset DJ sets at places like Hulu and Laganini on the Pakleni Islands. Hvar is a favorite wedding destination as the sunsets are stunning and perfect for a wedding ceremony. Just keep in mind that Hvar Town can get very busy in the summer.

Wenn Sie vorhaben, eines der köstlichen Restaurants zu genießen, reservieren Sie auf jeden Fall ein paar Wochen im Voraus. Außerhalb der Stadt Hvar finden Sie ruhige Momente in Orten wie Jelsa und Vrboska, wo Sie die authentischen Küstendörfer bewundern können.

5. Insel Vis – Die authentische


Far off the mainland, the island of Vis is hardly ever overcrowded and is the perfect destination if you are looking for a more relaxed holiday. It’s authenticity owes to the fact that is located far from the Adriatic coast, so renting a scooter or sailing to and around the island is the best way to experience the best of what Vis has to offer.

6. Insel Korcula – Die Heimat von Marco Polo und Posip-Wein


Korcula is for sure less popular than the island of Hvar or Dubrovnik but it is equally beautiful, if not more. If you are looking for a laid-back vacation on the island that has a lot to offer this is where you need to go. This charming island has it all. A wine-tasting tour is a perfect way to learn more about one of the best wines in Croatia called Posip and Grk.

7. Dubrovnik – Die Perle der Adria


When people think about having a holiday, and the destination Croatia comes to their minds people always dream of Dubrovnik. Just by being anchored in front of Dubrovnik’s iconic city walls, you’ll realize that here history is bursting out everywhere you look. Charming islands near Dubrovnik are perfect for daily or multi days luxury sailing tours. The town where Game of Thrones was filmed, with its fortresses, renaissance buildings, and views, will leave you craving for more.

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