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¿Buscas información privilegiada sobre Croacia? Saber más

¡Vuelos sin escalas desde EE. UU. a Croacia!

abril 21, 2021

Hello Americans! Did you spend all winter lockdown dreaming of your next seaside vacation?


How does sunbathing in an isolated cove, from the deck of your private yacht, with a tropical drink in your hand sound?

Now you can fly directly to Croatian Paradise with United Airlines.

Starting July 8th until October 3, 2021, United Airlines will fly Nonstop from Newark International Airport (Near NYC) to Dubrovnik!

The flight will run 3x per week on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday from Newark to Croatia and  Tuesday, Friday, Sunday from Dubrovnik to Newark.



Croatia has been very progressive in its travel requirements for tourists. You are free to travel to Croatia with a vaccination card or a negative PCR test no later than 48 hours with NO required quarantine in place.


How Far is Dubrovnik to Split?

By Car- 3 hours straight through on the highway

By Plane– 50 minutes

Pack up your swimsuit, start searching for your perfect yacht because summer 2021 in Croatia is waiting for you!

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